To connect in love and lust is the truest and most satisfying type of connection anyone could achieve.
It allows growth, introspection, and intense pleasure for you and your partner. It removes the idea of meaningless one-night stands and instead focuses on creating an endless bond within your relationship. It is only with a true mental connection that a couple can obtain a heightened sexual chemistry that lasts over time.
If you’ve never had this kind of connection, or you’ve just lost it, we're sorry. It means any sex you are having is sub-par at best. You may get off, but let’s be honest, it could be SO much better. Consider this a crash course in sex amplification.
The ultimate expression for any relationship is sex, but for a significant number of people, there is a huge pause between what they really experience and what they yearn for. In order to have "great" sex, it's important to think about sexual desire, your intimacy level and sexpectations. (no - that's not a typo) Understanding what drives your sexual connection is what propels the true health benefits of romping in the sheets.
Before getting the love you want, you need to know how men and women differ in their perspectives of love. This directly relates to getting what you want in bed and building the relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
A mental connection is what sets apart long-term relationships from short-term blips. It is with this strength that relationships not only thrive, but they continue to evolve with each phase, bringing new sexual pleasures and heights to both sexes.
In order to make relationships last and thrive, couples must constantly interact and understand the other's needs. If your relationship is in a rut, and you've fallen out of that newlywed phase, we have some tips on how to rekindle a marriage.
When emotional intimacy has developed, one can reveal the deepest secrets within your heart to your partner; and at this stage, both parties mutually begin to understand each other’s mindset, feelings, and needs.