How I Keep My Husband Sexually Satisfied
Let’s start with the fluff … countless experts would tell you that sexual satisfaction is all about “communication.” Well, I’m here to tell you it's not fluff – it's true. But not in the way you may think.
11 Steps to Fix Your Boring Sex Life
Sex is like anything else in our lives – we get out of it what we put in. If you’re willing to put in the effort and if it’s important to you, there’s no reason you can't fix your boring sex life.
Sexual Energy in Your Relationship
Your sexual energy is something much different; it is not the lack of physical energy but more the the idea of harnessing your mental interest into sexual activity.
Why Your Sexless Marriage is Nothing New
If you can have all the sexual intimacy you need within your relationship, why would you go elsewhere? The truth is, you wouldn't. You also wouldn’t have a sexless marriage. To fulfill your sexual desires as a married couple, we need to dig a little deeper, and then it's time to move out of a dry spell and into a much wetter region.