Melissa Davis Melissa Davis

Why Your Husband Doesn’t Like Your Sweatpants

When your husband agreed to take you in sickness and health, he probably should have added ‘but not in sweatpants,’ because there will be no taking of anyone when those shapeless pants come out of the closet.

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Melissa Davis Melissa Davis

In a world focused on physical attraction - Your Looks DO Matter

It may sound shallow, we know - but no matter how hard you try to deny it, your looks DO matter to the opposite sex. Whether you’re a man or woman, we all know initial physical attraction starts with appearance. If you think you’re above it, the truth is, you’re not.

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Melissa Davis Melissa Davis

What can you get with the right body language?

Communication can be done both verbally and nonverbally. The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said. In your sex life, body language controls or influences almost every sexual invitation.

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Melissa Davis Melissa Davis

Romantic Attraction

Many people who occasionally interact or chat with another person often develop an intense liking for that individual and within no time, think they have a romantic attraction. But is a romantic attraction so simple or even required for your relationship? While there are several types of relationships, for most of them, a romantic attraction is desirable. It’s what sustains the relationship, and without it, you are going to be searching for another partner very soon.

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