Mind Games
A study published in Psychology Today found that people with a sexual growth mindset had the happiest relationships; in other words, people who believe that being good in bed is a learned skill - and not something we’ve either got or we haven’t - have the most fulfilling sex lives, not to mention the happiest relationships.
Pick up any glossy magazine and you will invariably come across an article that slates the idea of playing mind games in a relationship. But what if mind games could be good? Imagine if messing with your lover’s head could get him so horny that he almost cums in his pants.
Whether you indulge in your own fantasy once a week or once a year on your birthday, there is nothing wrong with adding a little spice to your sex life, so go forth and copulate with abandon. Here, your kinks are welcome.
Broadly speaking, a mind fuck is sex without contact. That’s broadly speaking. But within that definition there is a huge array of ways to use the mind in a sexual relationship, that range from mild flirtation to out and out S&M roleplay.